Radiology Services

RAD-search team provides high quality, patient-centered diagnostic care. Delivering quality interpretations is the foundation for our continued success. Our aim is to support your group in offering a consistent level of service for the following modalities:

Brain CT Scan Radiology Images

Computerized Tomography (CT)

Computerized Tomography (CT) – In addition to standard imaging of the head, neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis, our CT scanners are routinely used in exams of the heart, blood vessels, brain, abdomen and musculoskeletal anatomy, including coronary CT Angiography, CT Colonography, CT Enterography and CT Brain Perfusion, as well as bone and joint exams such as 3D CT of extremities along with other 21st-Century applications.

Mammography Teleradiology Services


Annual screening mammogram remains the standard in providing the potentially lifesaving benefit of early detection of breast cancer.


MRI is widely used in hospitals and clinics for medical diagnosis and staging and follow-up of disease. Advances in MRI technology allow subspecialized radiologists in the fields of neuroradiology, body imaging, musculoskeletal imaging, thoracic imaging and breast imaging the ability to image any body part with first-rate specialized expertise.

Shoulder MRI Radiology Image

MSK (Musculoskeletal)

Whether it’s a clearly identifiable injury or an everyday ache or pain, the capabilities available from today’s most advanced musculoskeletal imaging technologies and expertise can provide clear answers and guide the next steps in care. In fact, image-guided procedures performed by subspecialists called interventional radiologists can in many cases treat musculoskeletal conditions and injuries to relieve pain and help restore mobility.

MSK Teleradiology Services
Neuroradiology Services


Advances in neuroradiology have transformed diagnostic capabilities for injuries and disease of the brain and nervous system. From evaluating concussions to examining images of brain tissue for signs of degenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. We obtain specialized images of the brain including MR Spectroscopy, Dynamic Perfusion Imaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Functional Imaging.

Nuclear Medicine Radiology Services

Nuclear Medicine

Symptoms that suggest bone disease or hidden fractures, problems with the thyroid, liver or kidneys, as well as evidence of digestive problems are among a variety of medical situations for which a special category of imaging procedures called nuclear medicine can provide diagnostic insights.


Diagnostic imaging studies in children require special care—not only in terms of the specialized expertise required to select, perform and interpret the appropriate studies for specific pediatric medical situations, but also in utilizing the “soft skills” of medicine needed to provide an environment and experience that sets young patients at ease.

Pediatric Radiology Services

Thoracic Imaging and Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening

Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. Although survival rates are much higher with early detection of lung cancer, only 15 percent of patients with lung cancer are diagnosed with early-stage disease. Recent studies involving the use of low-dose CT of the chest suggest that screening can improve survival by as much as 20 percent by detecting lung cancer earlier.

Radiologists CT Scan of the Chest
Prenatal Ultrasound Radiology Image


Useful in a wide range of diagnostic applications for conditions affecting many areas of the body, ultrasound uses sound waves to image organs and tissues, with the notable benefit of producing images of high diagnostic utility without the use of ionizing radiation. Ultrasound also has a special ability to generate moving-video images that allow physicians to observe certain bodily processes in real time.